Cable Lifting & Retracting Management SystemCable lifting and retracting management system is a high-performance shore ship cable lifting and conveying cable winch, which is mainly composed of cable reel, cable lifting telescopic arm, chassis and cable management system control box. The cable lifti
Shore-Based Cable Management SystemShore-based cable management system is mainly used for shore-side cable plug on board for ship power supply, is the shore power frequency conversion power supply for docked ships power supply system in the cable management equipment; shore-based cable man
Prefabricated Cabin Type Shore Power SupplyCRH6000 SeriesPrefabricated cabin type shore power supply is composed of prefabricated cabin, secondary equipment screen cabinet (or rack), cabin auxiliary facilities and so on. It is manufactured, assembled, wired and commissioned in the factory and transported to th
The Four-Quadrant Shore Power Inverter Power SupplyCRH6012 SeriesThe four-quadrant shore power inverter power supply consists of inverter, input transformer and output transformer, which outputs different levels of voltage and frequency to supply power to ships docked in harbor. The company has developed 100kVA, 200kVA
High Voltage Shore Power Inverter Power SuppliesCRH6061 SeriesBased on mature power electronics and control platform technology, we have developed 2000kVA, 3000kVA, 4000kVA, 5000kVA, 8000kVA and other medium-voltage series of shore power inverter power supply products
Integrated Control CabinetCRH6007 SeriesThe control system is used for the control of interlocking protection and timing in shore power connecting and disconnecting operations, and is capable of monitoring, controlling, metering and troubleshooting equipment such as circuit breakers, variable f
Low-Voltage Shore Power Connection BoxCRH6015 SeriesLow-voltage shore power connection box is shore power system ship-shore connection equipment, the equipment mainly includes standard shore power connection shore power socket, ship-shore safety interlocking circuit, communication interface and emergency s
High-Voltage Shore Power Connection BoxCRH6065 SeriesHigh-voltage shore power connection box is the shore power system ship-shore connection equipment, the equipment mainly includes medium-voltage shore power socket, ship-shore safety interlocking circuit, ship-shore communication interface and emergency st